GCN News
War Out Reach in Schools (W.O.R.S.) Project
Milestonee Disabilty School in Gloucester
12th November 2019
GCN NETWORKING: WORS - 'War Out Resch in Schools' - Helped to bring to life Christmas Carols and 'End of Soldiering On' WW1 Curriculum.
GCN Volunteer Roy was in Full WW1 Uniform and both he and GCN Founder, Chris Auker-Howlett, supported the pupils acting and singing, dressed in our W.O.R.S. - WW1 Uniform.

Kara Mann ('Acting Head of Middle Department' Miliestone School) and Roy Ward, one our great W.O.R.S. Volunteers, dressed in WW1 British Army Uniform
We also supplied WW1 Wall Art, Cam Nets, Sand Bags filled with VHS tape to assit with the decoration of the Hall. It was great to be invited back to Milestonee to add to thier Event as most of the pupils had their families there. We assisted this event for free as its Aims mirror GCN's own: of bringing people together for the betterment of all. 'Better Together'.
GCN would like to thank Gloucestershire County Council for their £500 grant that allows the 'W.O.R.S.' War Out Reach in Schools' Educational Project to buy equipment and to support Gloucester School events in this way.
We would also like to thank those Parents, Staff or pupils who gave £24 in donations to our W.O.R.S. fund.

2 x W.O.R.S. - WW1 Wall Art Hangings bought with a grant from Gloucestershire County Council »

Tables and room decorations made by pupils amd staff of Milestonee with added Military items from the 'W.O.R.S.' resource
Furthermore, GCN is hoping to roll out our 'First Aid 4 All' - 'FA4A'-Educational Project. FA4A aims to provide first aid training in a manner that can provide Qualified First Aid Courses including:
- Pediatric First Aid
- Emergency Fitst Aid
- 3 day First Aid At Work
- Re-qualifications
and also First Aid training that can be tailored to meet:
- Mini First Aiders -(Children)
- DofE and School First Aid
Chris Auker-Howlett, our GCN First Aid Trainer, has over 4 years of experience with 16-25 year old young adults with complex disabilities, designing First Aid Courses to meet the needs of Young Offenders, Army Cadet Force and past training as a Northern Ireland Team Medic in the British Army.
If your Organisation, School, Charity or Community Group would like to know more about our 'FA4A' First Aid Training Programmes, or more about the 'WORS' Educational Project please get in touch by using the details on our Contacts » page.