A Gloucester Community Networking W.O.R.S. Project

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What a night at the Gloucester Guildhall (23rd October 2018), a packed house with the people of Gloucestershire coming out to Commemorate the Centenary of the last year of WW1 with this Charity WW1 Concert ‘Oh! What a Lovely War’. This event was to fundraise for:

  • The Royal British Legion (Gloucester Branch)
  • The Rifles Fund (Care for Casualties)
  • The Audience sang along with a combination of ‘Pack up your troubles’ and ‘Keep the home fires burning’. The additional pleasure was watching and listening to both the Wessex-Male-Choir and members of the Innsworth and Defence Academy Military Wives Choir sing such moving songs as ‘In Flanders Fields’. Additionally, the audience had the opportunity to witness a 'public first' with both Choirs singing a ‘World Premiere Song’ composed by Mr Paul Mealor 'The Fallen Comrades’.

    Photo of the audience at the Guild Hall 'Oh! What a Lovely War' concert prior to it commencing

    An almost packed audience before we started!

    In the space of just two short hours, the generosity of folks that bought tickets, merchandise and raffle tickets raised the magnificent sum of £1343.00 to be split between both Charities!

    Note: the above total does not include any additional charirty monies deposited into the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal tins. Gloucester Community Networking did not handle those collection tins, which were taken away by the RBL for counting.

    Letter of Acknowledgement for £671.50 from The Royal British Legion

    Royal British Legion acknowledgement letter for receipt of donation for £671.50

    Letter of Acknowledgement for £671.50 from The Rifles

    The Rifles acknowledgement letter for receipt of donation for £671.50

    The generosity of the people of Gloucestershire was amazing with the volume of their singing and with their donating Raffle Prizes, their donations for the 2 Military Charities chosen by GLOS100: The Rifles fund ‘Care for Casualties’ with such beneficiaries from 1 Rifles and 6 Rifles (Reservists from Eastern Avenue) casualties from the more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Photo of the audience at the Guild Hall 'Oh! What a Lovely War' concert prior to it commencing

    Raffle prizes that were generously donanted!

    Additionally, another honour for ‘GLOS100’ at the concert, was to help launch the Gloucester City Royal Legion Poppy Appeal. Although it is very important to commemorate those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in conflicts like WW1 and to those from more relevant conflicts, there is ever the need to support bereaved families and the great work the Royal British Legion (Gloucester City Branch) carries out with those who live with both physical and mental health wounds.

    Photo of the Wessex Male Voice Choir

    Launch of the Gloucester City Poppy Appeal


Gloucester Guildhall

Janet and Lynne (Volunteers)

RBL Poppey Sellers

Life sized WW1 Soldier

Trench & Poppy Field

Gloucestershire Army Cadet Force - Eastern Ave - Cadets as WWW Soldiers

The Audience

The Sky over Gloucester on Concert Night

Event Sponsors

Logo of the Guildhall, Gloucester

Guildhall, Gloucester

Royal British Legion Logo

Royal British Legion - Gloucester Branch

Plywood UK Logo linking to website Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum Logo linking to website GL3 Community Hub Logo linking to website Alabare Logo linking to website